بنياد كانادا و ايران از كليه اعضاى محترم دعوت به عمل مي اورد تا در جلسه ساليانه بنياد كه قرار است؛

گزارش مالى سال ٢٠١٧از يك سال فعاليت بنياد به اعضاي محترم ارائه شود و همچنين انتخاب عضو يا اعضاء و رأي گيرى براى هيئت مديره جديد در سال ٢٠١٨ انجام گيرد ، شركت كنند

زمان : يكشنبه دهم ماه جون ، ساعت ٤ تا ٦ بعد از ظهر

مكان: John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W1st Lonsdale North Vancouver

اعضاى محترمى كه مايل هستند به عنوان عضوى از هيئت مديره كانديد شوند ،بايستى فرم هاى مخصوص را پر كنند و همراه اخرين گزارش پليس تا تاريخ اول ماه جون امادگى خود را اعلام نمايند ،

براى كسب اطلاعات بيشتر ميتوانيد با ايميل و شماره تلفن زير تماس بگيريد :

CIF Voicemail : 604-800-1977

Email: info@ cif-bc.com

Canadian Iranian Foundation is having its yearly Annual General Meeting on June 10th.2018 from 4-6 pm at the

John Braithwaite Community Centre, located at 145 west 1st North Vancouver.

CIF is inviting its members to attend this meeting and learn about the organization’s activities in 2017, be informed

about the financial status and elect the new board of directors. Members who are interested to serve at the board f director

must contact CIF and receive their nomination package.

Nominations are accepted only until June 1st.2018.

All nominees must be in good standing with CIF and present their latest police clearance.

For more information contact CIF’s voicemail 604-800-1977, email: info@cif-bc.com

Website: www.cif-bc.com or follow us on FB or Instagram.