Constitution & Bylaws
Form 3
1. The name of the society is:
Canadian – Iranian Foundation
2. The purpose of the society is:
a) promote and encourage activities which promote human welfare and social reform
b) promote and encourage learning and education
c) dispense aid for humanitarian purposes
d) For the objects aforesaid, to print, publish, distribute, and sell books and other printed matter.
e) For the objects aforesaid, to receive donations, gifts, bequests, or devises of money or other property.
f) For the objects aforesaid, to purchase, receive, or otherwise acquire, hold use, administer, sell or dispose of real and personal property and rights and privileges of every nature and kind whatsoever.
3. In the event of dissolution or winding up of the society, all assets of the society, after payment of liabilities, shall be distributed to B.C. branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.
4. The society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits earned by the society shall be used to promote the society’s purpose.
5. The society shall not engage directly or indirectly in any act discriminatory on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
6. Clauses 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this Constitution are unalterable in accordance with Section 22 of the Society Act of British Columbia.