Annual scholarship presentation/برگزاری جشن اعطای کمک هزینه تحصیلی به دانشجویان منتخب

  برگزاری جشن اعطای کمک هزینه تحصیلی به دانشجویان منتخب و قدردانی ازحامیان وداوطلبان همیشه همراه بنیاد. ازعموم هم وطنان وعلاقمندان به شرکت دراین برنامه دعوت بعمل می آید. ورود برای همگان رایگان است زمان : یکشنبه ۲۰ آگوست ۲۰۱۷ ساعت ۴ الی ۶ بعدازظهر مکان : شماره ۲۱۲۱ مرین درایو وست ونکوور( کامیونیتی سنتروست

Family Law Seminar/آشنایی با قوانین خانواده

west vancouver Memorial Library 1950 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation is proud to present Family Law seminar by Zahra Jenab, British Columbia lawyer. This is a free lecture and everyone in the family is welcomed. C.I.F. is specially inviting women to attend this event to learn more about their rights in the family. For more information,please call C.I.F. voice mail:604-800-1977 or e-mail:info@cif-bc.comTime:

Celebration of Yalda and Christmas /

west vancouver Memorial Library 1950 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation celebrated Yalda and Christmas on December 17th. 2017 at the West Vancouver Community Centre’s Music Hall. The event was well received by the public and the maximum capacity attended.The event consisted of poetry recital from Hafez poems, music and dance by Amed Dance Academy youth group directed by Pooneh Al and Chichaklar

FUND RAISING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF RECENT EARTHQUAKE SURVIVALS IN IRAN/ Yalda Night and Christmas Party/ برنامه شب یلدا و کریسمس

Canadian Iranian Foundation is inviting everyone to their FUND RAISING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF RECENT EARTHQUAKE SURVIVALS IN IRAN on December 17th. 2017 at the West Vancouver Community Centre Music Hall. Address: 2121 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC.All proceeds from this fundraising will be used to purchase necessary supplies for the victims of the recent

Effects of ABUSE on the Immigrant Community

west vancouver Memorial Library 1950 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation presents ” Effects of ABUSE on the Immigrant Community” at 2:30, on January 14th. 2018 at the West Vancouver Memorial Library, located at 1950 , Marine Drive, West Vancouver. C.I.F. encourages all the members in the family to attend this event . Panel of speakers are: Poran Poreghbal (Clinical Counsellor), Ali Khodami (Clinical Counselor)

Annual Scholarship/ اهدای کمک هزینه تحصیلی

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation would like invite all the eligible high school graduates and university students who are interested to receive scholarship from C.I.F. in 2018 to attend this information session. C.I.F. Directors would be providing information about the new conditions and criteria that students have to have in order to be eligible for this scholarship

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