2017 Scholarship Application Deadline- CIF

Planning on applying for the 2017 Canadian Iranian Foundation scholarship? Have you completed or in the process of completing the 10 required volunteering hours with Canadian Iranian Foundation? The applications are due on April 28th , 2017 and you must send the following (including the complete application form) to P.O. Box 91231. West Vancouver, BC,

Tea-Party invitation/

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Dear Sponsor and Volunteer., It is the Canadian Iranian Foundation’s honour to invite their volunteers and sponsors to an afternoon tea-party on Sunday May 7th at 3:00pm. This gathering will take place at the Shoreline Room at the John Braithwaite Community Centre in hopes of appreciating your dedication and support throughout our events. This is

Annual scholarship presentation/برگزاری جشن اعطای کمک هزینه تحصیلی به دانشجویان منتخب

  برگزاری جشن اعطای کمک هزینه تحصیلی به دانشجویان منتخب و قدردانی ازحامیان وداوطلبان همیشه همراه بنیاد. ازعموم هم وطنان وعلاقمندان به شرکت دراین برنامه دعوت بعمل می آید. ورود برای همگان رایگان است زمان : یکشنبه ۲۰ آگوست ۲۰۱۷ ساعت ۴ الی ۶ بعدازظهر مکان : شماره ۲۱۲۱ مرین درایو وست ونکوور( کامیونیتی سنتروست

Family Law Seminar/آشنایی با قوانین خانواده

west vancouver Memorial Library 1950 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation is proud to present Family Law seminar by Zahra Jenab, British Columbia lawyer. This is a free lecture and everyone in the family is welcomed. C.I.F. is specially inviting women to attend this event to learn more about their rights in the family. For more information,please call C.I.F. voice mail:604-800-1977 or e-mail:info@cif-bc.comTime:

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