Volunteers Needed

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

فراخوان به گردهمایی علاقمندان به کار و فعالیت داوطلبانه بنیاد کانادا و ایران جهت برگزاری دوازدهمین فستیوال نوروزی از کلیه علاقمندان به فعالیت داوطلبانه به خصوص دانشحویانی که مایل به دریافت اسکالرشیب هستند دعوت به همکاری وهمراهی می نماید از کلیه علاقه مندان دعوت می شود که درجلسه ای که بدین منظور برگزار می گردد

12th annual Nowruz Festival/دوازدهمین فستیوال نوروزی بنیاد کانادا و ایران

115 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver

Canadian Iranian Foundation presents its 12th Annual Nowruz Festival on Sunday, March 8th, 2020 at the Pipe-Shop located at 11 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver, BC. Stay tuned for more information. Contact C.I.F. voice mail: 604-800-1977 or E-Mail admin@cif-bc.com for renting a booth, volunteering, sponsoring or performing. Proceeds from this event will benefit C.I.F.'s scholarship

در خلوت نشسته گان

نياد كانادا و ايران با توجه به محدودیت ها در ایام قرنطینه برنامه ای مجازی در اپلیکیشن زوم تدارک دیده است،  تا  همه عزیزان بتوانند در ارائه برنامه سهمی داشته باشند،.  برنامه هفتگی ارائه شده توسط بنیاد کانادا و ایران در اپليكيشن زوم شامل برنامه های متنوع خواهد بودکه هر جمعه ازساعت   ۶:۰۰ تا ۷:۰۰ بعد از ظهر از تاریخ

A comprehensive information session about the Covid-19 pandemic

CIF is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting When: Friday, May 29, 2020 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89995961575?pwd=bmNIejBVQk5FQVVGNTBIM0dXWnlmZz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89995961575?pwd=bmNIejBVQk5FQVVGNTBIM0dXWnlmZz09 Meeting ID: 899 9596 1575 Password: 434056

سمینار مجازی املاک در ونکوور-Canadian Iranian Foundation Presents Real Estate Seminar on line

Canadian Iranian Foundation presents the impact of the COVID-19 seminar on line Real Estate on June 26th 2020 at 6:00 Pm via Zoom application. Presenters are: Mitra Aminzadeh, mortgage specialist, Zara Rabii, real estate consultant, Dr. Kam Ajdari, building inspector, Shirin Saleh, property rental consultant. To participate at this event contact CIF's e-mail admin@cif-bc.com or


  https://youtu.be/7O2b3fpfT8s Canadian Iranian Foundation presents an enchanted evening of poetry, music, songs,story telling and dance on July 10th. 2020 at 6:00 PM on Zoom application. This event is free, on line and open to everyone. To perform your music, sing, recite your poem and share a story with us or participate as observer contact

Parenting and Nutrition in COVID-19 Pandemic

  https://youtu.be/5TSv5V1dBOE Canadian Iranian Foundation is pleased to present " Parenting and Nutrition in COVID-19. On July 24th. 2020 at 6:00 PM on line, on Zoom application. Speakers are Dr. Mahnaz Khosravi Psychologist, Dr. Minoo Shirazi Nutritionist, Sara Abtahi, Nutritionist and Minoo Asadi Psychologist. We highly recommend this seminar to parents with young children. This


  https://youtu.be/AfdIoWnJAIw   Join us for an enchanted evening of music, dance and poetry by the talented artists in Vancouver. For more information contact CIF's voice mail:604-800-1977, e-mail: admin@cif-bc.com or just use the link below to join us. Canadian Iranian Foundation https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89968791498?pwd=MkF1OEJsVGlDVDFidklzOVp2bjVNUT09 Friday, August 7, 2020 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM info@cif-bc.com <info@cif-bc.com> Website:www.cif-bc.com Join

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