Father’s Day
Father’s Day
https://youtu.be/esufv3Y_7Ok https://youtu.be/jSUBvLKJq_w Canadian Iranian Foundation presents: Father's Day celebration on Zoom application with poetry, music and live performances of the local artists on June 18th 2021 from 7-9 in the evening. The event is free for all to attend. Donation's will be highly appreciated. Info:604-800-1977 or admin@cif-bc.com Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83412632412?pwd=QnZwLzFKUmQ3YWJUNXh0ZmZnQ1B3UT09&fbclid=IwAR3nwiIM579cX4B9gsc3ghIpDwvfwH8IpcKzf9rNB3JLdcSqYtoSAkq5iEM#success بنیاد کانادا و ایران