
September 27, 2024

با سپاس فراوان از ناديا عاشقپًور كه برنامه جشن مهرگان را اسپانسر كردند. ايشان كتاب بسيار جالبي راجع به غذاهاي ايراني نوشتند كه فروش بسيار زيادي در نيويورك و امريكا داشته.
ناديا روز ٢٠ اكتبر در جشن مهرگان شركت خواهد كرد و كتابش را به معرض فروش خواهد گذاشت. منتظر ديدار او و شما دوستان هستيم.
Tha Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to thank Nadia Asheghpour for sponsoring Mehregan celebration event.
Nadia has written a book about Persian original food which is being sold very well in New York and United States. Nadia will be present at the Mehregan celebration event to sell her book. Looking forward to see you all at the Mehregan celebration.

September 21, 2024

Canadian Iranian Foundation invites you to the” Meet the Candidates” event .This is an opportunity for the residents of North and West Vancouver to become familiar with their candidates and their platform in order to chose the candidate who meets their need most. The event is free and everyone from North and West Vancouver are welcome.

September 18, 2024


Mehregan Festival in West Vancouver, organized by Canadian Iranian Foundation



August 31, 2024


January 15th, 2024

Interview with Nassreen Filsoof, Founder of Canadian Iranian Foundation


September 26, 2023

دوستان و یاران بنیاد کانادا و ایران به مناسبت برگزاری مراسم یاد بود استاد محمد علی در رور اول اکتبر و همزمان بودن ان با سمینار املاک و وام بنیاد کانادا و ایران برای احترام به این مرد بزرک برتامه املاک وام و بيمه را به هفته اینده 8 اکتبر در مرکز احتماعات وست ونکوور برگزار خواهد كرد. تلفن اطلاعات 1977-800-604
و ایمیل

به امید دیدار یک یک شما یاران همیشگی بنیاد کانادا و ایران


September 15,2023




June 25, 2023

مصاحبه با متقاضيان بورسيه تحصيلي.
٩ جولاي ٢٠٢٣ در اطاق كنيون در سالن اجتماعات لاينز گيت به ادرس
1733 Lions Gate Lane, North Vancouver, BC, V7P 0C7
از ساعت ١:٣٠ تا ٤:٠٠ بعد از ظهر.

Scholarship applicants will be interviewed by the selected scholarship panel.

The interviews will be all in person. All students will be informed by e-mail about the time of their interview and must be present at the location mentioned.
For more information contact or 604-800-1977
Address: Canyon Room
Lions Gate Recreation Centre
1733 Lions Gate Lane, North Vancouver, BC.V7P 0C7
بنیادکانادا و ایران به اطلاغ غموم میرساند که مصاحبه با
دانش اموزان متقاضی بورسیه تحصیلی 2023 روز 9 جولای 2023 در مرکز اجماعات لاینز گیت برگزار خواهد شد. کمیته برگزاری این مصاحبه از کلیه دانش اموزان و دانشجویان متقاضی تقاضا دارد که در ساعت مقرر در محل مصاحبه حضور به هم رسانند.
تاریخ 9 حولای 2023
مکان مرکز اجتماغات لاینز گیت .اطلاعات 1977-800-604 و ,

June13, 2023

More than 400 wildfires are burning in Canada,
many people have been displaced
and many others have lost their livelihood.
Help us raise funds for them and assist them by clicking on the link below:


April 25th, 2023

Provincial grants to benefit North Shore Iranian community

This week, the B.C. government announced $300,000 through the B.C. multiculturalism and anti-racism grants program

On Wednesday, the provincial government announced the distribution of nearly $300,000 in grant money through the B.C. multiculturalism and anti-racism grants program, which will go to 60 community-based organizations.

“The multiculturalism and anti-racism grant program looks to support groups in communities across British Columbia who are raising awareness about equity diversity and are taking steps to address racism and really foster more understanding amongst communities right across the province,” said Mable Elmore, MLA for Vancouver-Kensington and the parliamentary secretary for anti-racism initiatives.

The Canadian Iranian Foundation was one of the grant recipients. Situated on the North Shore, the foundation has been active since 2005.


According to president and founder Nassreen Filsoof, the foundation has three main mandates: to assist new immigrants and help them learn about life in Canada, to provide scholarships and financial aid to students, and to assist in humanitarian causes with help from the Red Cross.

“We have been doing all the above and we are also celebrating our own Iranian cultures. For example, the [Persian] New Year which is Nowruz, we celebrate that every year,” Filsoof said. “And the raised funds will be going to scholarships.”

The foundation has been able to give over $270,000 in scholarships to students in Metro Vancouver over the past 18 years, he added.

The foundation’s outreach also extends outside of Canada. “Sometimes, [if] there is a need for our own country, Iran, then we’ll raise funds as well for that.” Filsoof said. “Especially now with what is going on in Iran.”

According to Elmore, the provincial government is taking additional steps to address anti-racism and to dismantle systematic racism, with the Anti-Racism Data Act and the anti-racism action plan, which will address how anti-racism is handled in schools.

“These are resources [and] toolkits to really give students, teachers and parents different curriculum and skills and tools to make sure that our classrooms are equipped to support students make sure that they’re not experiencing racism and to foster more understanding,” Elmore said.

The next step is to, “put in place legislation that’s going to be able to help and support moving forward in terms of how we reconcile with our history of colonization, and really take steps to dismantle systemic racism.”

“From the government perspective, B.C. is really taking the lead across Canada and internationally around how we address systemic racism.” she said.

News link:




January 1,2023

Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to inform everyone that the 2023 scholarship application will be accepted til June 15th. 2023. Student interested to apply must comply with all the criteria explained and send the application by June 15th. 2023. Applications are available on this website: and can be send by e-mail or regular mail. Late arrival or incomplete applications will not be accepted. For more information contact 604-800-1977 or

بنیاد کانادا و ایران باطلاع دانشجویان و فارغ التحصیلان دبیرستان میرساند که برگه درخواست بورسیه تحصیلی 2023 این سازمان در تارنمای سازمان موجود میباشد و دانشجویان علاقمند یه دریافت این بورسیه تحصیلی میتوانند با مراجعه به تارنمای بنیاد کانادا و ایران ان را دریافت کرده و از طریق ایمیل و یا پست برای ما بفرستند. درخواستهایی ناقص و انهایی که دیرتر از زمان ذکر شده دریافت گردند برای این بورسیه منظور نخواهند شد..



Visit here: Scholarship – Canadian Iranian Foundation (


September 24,2022

Dear friends, due to what is happening in Iran and to support Iranian people’s Canadian Iranian Foundation Board of Directors has decided to cancel their event on Sunday 25th. Of September at the JBWCC. This event will be re-scheduled at a later date. please stay tuned.

هموطنان عزيز و ياران بنياد كانادا و ايران، هيت مديره بنياد كانادا و ايران بدليل همكاري و همدلي با هموطنان در ايران و كانادا تصميم گرفتند كه برنامه يوگا، زقص، و مو سيقي روز يكشنبه ٢٥ سپتامبر را به تعويق انداخته و ان را در روز ديگري اجرا كنند. به اميد پيروزي هموطنان عزيزمان 


August 18,2022

بنیاد کانادا و ایران برگزار میکند: تور یک روزه به فورت لنگلی با دوستان خوب گروه زنده دلان این سازمان. علاقمندان به شرکت در این تور باید تا جمعه 19 اگست با تماس با تلفن بنیاد و یا فرستادن نام خود به واتس اپ بنیاد پیام خود را بگذارند که نامشان برای تور ثبت گردد. تلفن بنیاد کانادا و ایران ۶۰۴۸۰۰۱۹۷۷ و ایمیل
منتظر دیدارتان هستیم



June 7th, 2022

Canadian Iranian Foundation Annual General Meeting on Zoom from 7 pm-9 pm on
June 7th. 2022.


May 21, 2022

Canadian Iranian Foundation requires volunteers to work at the BRIDGE FESTIVAL on June 3 and 4 at the Ambleside park. This is fun event specially good for students who wish to apply for their scholarship as CIF requires 20 hours of volunteering from each students. To register for becoming a volunteer please call 6040800-1977 orبنیاد کانادا و ایران به اطلاع عموم میرساند برای برگزاری فستیوال پل نیاز به تعدادی داوطلب دارد تا بتواند این جشنواره را به نحو احسنت بر گزار کند. این داوطلبان میتوانند از دانش اموزان و یا دانشجویانی باشند که از قبلا از بنیاد کانادا و ایران بورسیه تحصیلی دریافت کرده اند و یا در اینده دزیافت خواهند کرد. برای کسب اطلاعات در این مورد با شماره تلفن 1977-800-604 و یا تماس حاصل فرمایید.


May 15, 2022

CIF will not be having any events on June 5th. 2022 due to the friendly soccer game between Canada and Iran. Info:604-800-1977 or


May 15, 2022

Canadian Iranian Foundation participates at the Bridge festival which is organized by the West Vancouver Community Centre on June 3rd. from 4-9 and Saturday 4th. 2022 from 11-9:00.

Canadian Iranian Foundation is responsible for the Iranian Pavilion. Join us for this fun and energetic event. There will be an art show from the local artists, face painting, music, dance, balloon twisting as well as back Gammon competition. Any one wishes to participate at this competition must make a $30 e-transfer donation to to register before June 1st. 2022. Participants must bring their own backgammon set to play. CIF does not have any backgammon set to lend. For further information contact 604-346-6213 or Follow us on FB, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter and You-tube.

بنیاد کانادا و ایران  در فستیوال پل که توسط مرکز اجتماعات وست ونکوور  برگزار میشود شرکت خواهد کرد.و اثار هنرمندان ونکوور را به نمایش خواهد گذاشت. این برنامه شامل رقص  موسیقی نقاشی صورت و مسابقه تخته نرد میباشد. علاقمنران به شرکت در این  مسابقه باید قبل از اول جون 2022 برای نام نویسی مبلغ 30 دلار  توسط ترانسفر به حساب بنیاد کانادا و ایران واریز نمایند و تخته نرد خود را نیز برای روز مسابقه همراه بیاورند

تاریخ فستیوال: 3و 4 جون 2022

محل فستیوال پارک امبلساید

اطلاعات برنامه:1977-800-604




April 19, 2022

Canadian Iranian Foundation is looking for dedicated people who have volunteering experience, are familiar with Persian and English language, can spare 3-4 hours a week and attend monthly meeting and special events. These volunteers will be acting as Directors of the CIF and must provide criminal record check. Please contact 604-800-1977 or if you meet the above criteria.
بنیاد کانادا و ایران برای ادامه فعالیتهای خود بعد از کوید 19 نیاز به تعدادی داوطلب دارد که در هیت مدیره سازمان خدمت کنند. علاقمندان به شرکت در هیت مدیره باید به زبان فارسی و انگلیسی تسلط کامل داشته و سابقه خدمت داوطلبانه داشته باشند. در صورت تمایل به خدمت به جامعه ایرانی و شرکت در هیت مدیره این سازمان لطفا با تلفن 1977-800-604 تماس گرفته و پیام بگذارید و یا به ایمیل پیام بفرستید.

February 16, 2022 

Canadian Iranian Foundation presents Nowruz Gala on March 19th. 2022. All proceeds from this event will benefit 2022 scholarship. The event includes, music, dance and a delicious dinner buffet. Contact 604-800-1977 or e-mail:

بنیاد کانادا و ایران برگزار میکند. جشن دید و بازدید نوروز در تاریخ 19 مارچ 2022 در هتل پیناکل نورت ونکوور.کلیه درامد این برنامه صرف بورسیه تحصیلی دانشحویان در سال 2022 خواهد شد. تلفن اطلاعات 1977-800-604


February 4, 2022


Thank you Minister Wilkinson for your continues support, CIF highly appreciates it


تبريك براي هفدهمين سال تاسيس “بنياد كانادا و ايران

Congratulations to the Canadian Iranian Foundation!

This weekend, the CIF celebrated 17 years of service to our community on the #NorthShore. For almost two decades, the CIF has played an important role in our community.

Regardless of identity, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation, it has facilitated the social and cultural integration of newly arrived immigrants to Canada, encouraged activities that promote human welfare and raised awareness around volunteering and community engagement opportunities. CIF also supports educational initiatives, providing scholarships, bursaries, prizes, and financial assistance to students.

I have been privileged to attend several events hosted by CIF over the years, including to celebrate Nowruz. I encourage anyone who wants to learn more, or get involved, to visit


I want to extend my sincere appreciation for the work done by the CIF and encourage them to continue serving our community. The important work they do is a benefit to all of us who call the North Shore home.

من می خواهم صادقانه از زحمات بنياد كانادا و ايران تشکر کنم و آنها را تشویق کنم تا به فعاليتهاي ارزشمند خود در جامعه ما ادامه بدهند. خدمات انها برای همه ما در خانه ساحل شمالي اهمیت زیادی دارد.




January24, 2022


سالروز هفدهمین سال تاسیس بنیاد کانادا و ایران
هموطنان عزیز ژانویه 2022 17 سال از تاسیس بنیاد کانادا و ایران میگذرد. اهداف این سازمان خیریه نه تنها کمک و یاری به مهاجرینی است که تازه وارد کانادا میشوند بلکه دادن هدیه بورسیه تحصیلی به دانشجویان و حمایت از مسایل امور انسانی نیز میباشد. بنیاد کانادا و ایران تا کنون صدها برنامه آموزشی مختلف برای مهاجرین و جشنهای مختلف برای علاقه مندان به کارهای بنیاد برگزار کرده است .همچنین هزاران دلار به دانشحویان بورسیه تحصیلی داده واز تعداد زیادی مسایل امور انسانی و سوانح مختلف چه در ایران و چه در کانادا حمایت مالی کرده است . لازم بذکر است که کلیه امور مالی سازمان از طریق فا ند ریزینگ (fundraising) ا نجام میگردد.
بنیاد کانادا و ایران از کلیه مدیران این سازمان که از بدو تاسیس تا کنون آنرا حمایت کرده اند نهایت سپاس را دارد که وقت گرانبهای خود را در اختیار این سازمان قرار داده اند. همچنین از کلیه اعضا و حمایت کنندگان نهایت تشکر را دارد، چون بدون حمایت این یاران ما قادر به برگزاری برنامه ها و دادن هدیه بورسیه تحصیلی و حمایت از امور انسانی نمی بودیم. بنیاد کانادا و ایران در زمان همه گیری کووید-19 نیز متوقف نشد،وهیئت مدیره ما به رویدادهای مجازی، که بسیارهم موفق بودند ادامه داد. امیدواریم که همه‌گیری COVID-19 به زودی تمام شود و ما به صورت حضوری رویدادهای خود را ارائه دهیم. در صورت تمایل به همیاری مادی یا معنوی، عضو یت در سازمان و هر گونه سوال دیگری که دارید لطفا با پیامگیر 1977-800-604 بنیاد کانادا و ایران تماس حاصل فرمایید و یا به ایمیل پیام بفرستید .تا اطلاع لازم در اختیارتان گذارده شود. برنامه های ما را در فیس بوک. اینستاگرام.تلگرام . تویترو تارنمای بنیاد ملاحظه کنید.

هیت مدیره بنیاد کانادا و ایران

Join Zoom Meeting

Canadian Iranian Foundation will be celebrating their 17th. years
anniversary on January 29. 2022

CIF would like to thank all the volunteers, participants, sponsors and
directors who have been with this organization through out the past 17
yeas. CIF Missions are to award scholarship for students, to support
humanitarian causes and to facilitate the social and cultural
integration of the new immigrants. Info:604-800-1977 or






Attention students: the 2022 scholarship application is available on the
website. Students who meet the Canadian Iranian Foundation may apply and
send their completed application either by Canada Post or e-mail.

info:604-800-1877 or






Due to the changes in the North Shore community management and lack of fund the Canadian Iranian Foundation Board of Directors had to close their office at the John Braithwaite Community Centre. Members can contact CIF via voice mail 604-800-1977 or send an email to They can follow the organization’s news on FB, Instagram, Twitter and website


بدینوسیله به اطلاع کلیه  اعضا وهموطنان علاقمند به بنیاد کانادا وایران میرساند که بعلت تغیراتی که در نحوه اجاره ماهیانه دفتر 

 بوجود آمده و نیز نداشتن امکانات مالی ، بنیاد کانادا و ایران دفتر خود را درJohn Braithwaite community centre   برای مدت  نامعلومی تخلیه نموده است.هموطنان گرامی میتوانند از طریق تلفن 6048001977 یا ایمیل  پیغام خود را بگذارند واخبار این سازمان را در تارنمای ملاحظه نمایند


September 27, 2021

Canadian Iranian Foundation is pleased to inform the public that they have raised $2000 for the Lytton Fire Relief Fund and sent it to the Red Cross. Canadian Iranian Foundation is grateful to all the donors and contributors to this cause.









August 17, 2021





August 13,2021



August 11,2021

Canadian Iranian Foundation had it’s Annual General Meeting on July
27/2021. New Broad of Directors were selected.

Scholarship interviews took place on July 26/2021 and 10 students were



July 8, 2021

Lytton Fire


بنیاد کانادا و ایران همیشه و همه وقت به یاری سانحه زدگان در صف اول بوده و با جمع اوری مبالغی به صدمه دیدگان یاری رسانده. اکنون نیز درخواست  کمک از شما هموطنان دارد تا به یاری هموطنان کانادایی خود  که تمام هستی خود را در اتشسوزی از دست داده اند بشتابد و انها را یاری دهد. شما با هدیه 10 دلار میتوانید ما را یاری دهید تا بتوانیم مبلغ قابل توجهی جمع اوری کرده و به  صدمه خوردگان تقدیم کنیم. برای هدیه کردن 10 دلار لطفا بروی لینک زیر کلیک کرده و رسید مالیاتی خود را دریافت نمایید.بنیاد کانادا و ایران از همیاری و همکاری شما سپاسگزار است.


The wild fires in Lytton, BC, decimated the entire town. Businesses and homes burned to the ground in minutes and many people have lost their livelihoods and their homes. We would like to help them rebuild and offer a little relief during this tragic time for the residents. Canadian Iranian Foundation is raising funds to assist with the rebuilding efforts. We are currently accepting donations and any amount will help. It is time for us to reach out and help our fellow Canadians. Please give any amount you can, large or small.



July2, 2021

Canadian Iranian Foundation’s Annual General Meeting on July 27th. 2021 at 8:00 PM. Canadian Iranian Foundation is inviting all their members to attend this event to receive the complete report of the CIF activities in the past year and elect Board of Directors. To obtain more information please contact 604-800-1977,
Visit CIF’s



May 3,2021

CIF 2021 Scholarship

Canadian Iranian Foundation accepts applications for the year 2021 scholarship. Due Date: June 15th. 2021. Applicants can send their application via e-mail or to Canadian Iranian Foundation address.

PO Box 91232

West Vancouver, BC.

V7V 3N6



Voice Mail: 604-800-1977


March 1,2021

Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to thank the BlueShore Financial for sponsoring the 2021 Nowruz festival. CIF appreciates their generosity and patronage.


December 22, 2020

November 28th, 2020

Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to thank UNITED WAY for their generous donation for the COVID-19 relief fund. The donated amount will be distributed among the seniors as gift certificates and other items to be used for their convenience and mental health. We are asking seniors who require assistance in any way to contact Canadian Iranian Foundation voice mail: 604-800-1977 or e-mail us at We are here to assist you.


November 13th, 2020


November 4th, 2020


Scholarship for Iranian students

My name is Emily Aalbers and I work at the University of Ottawa. I am connecting in hopes that you can share this generous scholarship with people in your networks who may be eligible to apply. The Nalini Perera Little Lotus Scholarship for Iranian Students is a scholarship for graduate students studying at the University of Ottawa who demonstrate Iranian citizenship or descent and have earned an undergraduate degree at a Canadian university.

This year’s scholarship applications close on November 11, 2020.


If you know any uOttawa graduate students who may fit these criteria, we would appreciate you sharing this information.

Thank you and have a great evening,



Emily Aalbers, MA, PMP

Gestionnaire du développement facultaire | Manager, Faculty Development

Relations extérieures|External Relations

Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Tél. | Tel. : (343) 961-6731 



September 11th, 2020

Dear Canadian Iranian Foundation member,

Please be informed that The Corporate Registry now allows societies that
cannot hold their AGM due to COVID 19 to file online between November 1
to December 31 for an extension to their AGM date to a date that is no
later than November 1, 2021. Therefore, you can now have extension for
your AGM until November 1, 2021.

Since under the CIF Bylaws, Section 26(1), ” The directors must retire
from office at each annual general meeting when their successors are
elected”, the current directors can continue on until the next AGM is
held (even if the next AGM is in 2021.)

Canadian Iranian Foundation Board of Directors will not have annual
General Meeting this year and its Directors will serve until November 1,

Please contact us at 604-800-1977 or e-mail to if you
require further information

September 2nd, 2020

Canadian Iranian Foundation is inviting you to an exciting and informative journey of the community leader’s path to success in Canada. Canadian Iranian Foundation is recommending this bilingual discussion to everyone who wishes to become successful in his/her profession and learn how to handle the challenges from the leaders in our community. Six successful individual from different ranks of life are sharing their story with you.

Time 7-8:30

Date September 18th. 2020

Place: Zoom application.

To receive the zoom invite link, Please contact CIF’s voice mail: 604-800-1977 or e-mail: and leave your message. Link can be found on the Canadian Iranian Foundation Face Book , Instagram, Website and twitter.

بنیاد کانادا و ایران برگزار میکند. راهها و دشواریهای دستیابی به موفقیت در کانادا.در این برنامه بسیار حالب گروهی از افراد موفق جامعه از مشکلات  خود در راه رسیدن به موفقیت با شما سخن خواهند گفت این برنامه بزبان انگلیسی و فارسی خواهد بود . ورود در ان رایگان و از طریق اپمیکیشن زوم میباشد.

زمان: 8:3-0-7:00

تاریخ: 18 سپتامبر 2020
مکان: اپلیکیشن زوم
برای دریافت لینک زوم این برنامه لطفا با شماره 1977-800-604 و  یا ایمیل تماس حاصل فرمایید تا لینک برنامه برایتان ارسال گردد..
لینک برنامه را از طریق ّفیس بوک و اینستا گرام و تویتر نیز میتوانید دریافت نمایید.


August 31st, 2020.

Dear Friends, members

As you all are aware, C.I.F. was unable to award scholarships to students this year as a result of insufficient funds caused by the cancellation of the Nowruz Festival and Nowruz Gala as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to the generous donations of our friends and sponsors, C.I.F has managed to raise almost enough money to run its scholarship programme this year also. We require only $2000 more to be able to provide meaningful scholarships to post-secondary students. A generous donation has been made of a beautiful work of art by Master Houshang Seyhoun to be put on raffle in order to raise the remaining funds. C.I.F. will be selling raffle tickets at the cost of $20 for one and $50 for three. To purchase tickets, please contact the Canadian Iranian Foundation’s voice mail:604-800-1977 or email at All proceeds from this sale will benefit C.I.F.’s scholarship fund. Once the $2000 goal is reached, C.I.F. will proceed with the process of interviewing applicants and awarding scholarships.

Painting is attached.

Follow CIF on FB, Twitter, Instagram, telegram and


August 15,2020

Dear C.I.F. Members, Friends,
Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to inform you that
from now on they will be informing you about the C.I.F. news
and events regularly via this page on their website.
C.I.F. Board of Directors also would like you to write your
comments, suggestions and any questions you may have in this
page for them
We will be more than happy to reply to you in a timely manner.
Please contact C.I.F. via e-mail:, info@cif- , voice Mail:604-800-1977 and follow us on FB,
Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and website:
Best Regards,
Canadian Iranian Foundation Board of Directors.


August 15/ 2020

دوستان و اعضای محترم بنیاد کانادا و ایران
احترامابه اطلاعتان میرسانیم که کلیه اخبار بنیاد کانادا و ایران از این تاریخ به
بعد از این طریق به اطلاعتان خواهد رسید. این اخبار شامل برنامه های اینده
امور خیریه جمع اوری مبلغ برای امور مختلف و فراخوان های مورد نیاز بنیاد
کانادا و ایران خواهد بود. علاوه بر ان اعضا و دوستداران بنیاد کانادا و ایران
میتوانند نظرات خود راا زاین طریق به اطلاع هیت مدیره بنیاد کانادا و ایران
بر سانند.
روشهای اطلاع رسانی عبارتند از
Voice Mail: 604-800-1977


Canadian Iranian Foundation


August 15th .2020

The Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to inform
everyone that their Board of Directors has distributed the
funds raised ($20,000) for the Ukrainian Airline Flight PS
752 equally among the 5 victims’ families who wished to
receive this donation. Two of the families did not want the
Canadian Iranian Foundation would like to thank all the
donors for their generosity and support.

Canadian Iranian Foundation Board of Directors.





These are challenging times for everyone, and at Canadian Immigrant, we are continuing to meet our mandate of informing immigrants to Canada and celebrating their stories.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown the world that we are all interconnected despite race, culture or country of origin. These awards have always been a symbol for diversity and the importance of coming together as Canadians. So, we made decided to move forward with the 2020 awards back in June, which have always been primarily an online initiative. We want to spread some positivity and share the stories of this year’s Top 75 finalists.

As a past winner of the program we hope you can further help us spread the word about the program and cast your vote for up to 3 finalists!  

This year’s awards will look a little different. Voting is open at, and will be ending on August 7th at 11:59 EST. The 25 winners will then be announced on on September 8th and featured in our September issue of Canadian Immigrant magazine. 

BACK THIS YEAR: The Settlement Agency Award!

For the third year in a row we are thrilled to bring  you the Settlement Agency Award, helping to recognize the work that these organizations do in helping newcomers succeed. To vote for your favourite agency, simply click here.
Thanks for your time and I hope all is well with you and your loved ones!

Laura Jackman
Canadian Immigrant Magazine