Annual Scholarship/ اهدای کمک هزینه تحصیلی

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation would like invite all the eligible high school graduates and university students who are interested to receive scholarship from C.I.F. in 2018 to attend this information session. C.I.F. Directors would be providing information about the new conditions and criteria that students have to have in order to be eligible for this scholarship

فراخوان به گردهمایی علاقمندان به کاروفعالیت داوطلبانه/Canadian Iranian Foundation is calling for volunteers for their upcoming events

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Canadian Iranian Foundation is calling for volunteers for their upcoming events     Canadian Iranian Foundation is calling for volunteers for their upcoming events: Norouz Festival on March 11th. 2018 and Norouz Gala on March 17th. 2018. At this event information about these two events and advantages of being a volunteer will be provided for

the 10th. Annual Norouz Festival / بازارچه نوروزی

Canadian Iranian Foundation proudly presents the 10th. Annual Norouz Festival on March 11th. 2018 at the Capilano Mall located in North Vancouver. Event includes, Show casing of over 100 businesses,Multicultural Dance performances, Musical performances, Magic show, Children games, face painting, flower show, Networking with over 100 businesses, DJ UB music to dance with, local school

Tea Party

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

In appreciation of your support, sponsorship and volunteering for the Canadian Iranian Foundation’s Norouz event on March 11th, and March 17th, you are invited to attend the appreciation tea party at 2:30pm on April 22nd, 2018.  

Hamnavayan Ensemble

Kay Meek Centre 1700 Mathers Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7V 2G7, Canada

شناخت استاندارد هاى سلامتى در كانادا و داشتن زندگى سالم تر

John Braithwaite Community Centre 145 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

یبنیاد کانادا وایران سری جدید گردهمایی روزهای یکشنبه را با عنوان”  دیدار “ تقدیم می کند موضوع این برنامه: ” شناخت استاندارد هاى سلامتى در كانادا و داشتن زندگى سالم تر “    

CIF Yearly Annual General Meeting/جلسه ساليانه بنياد

CIF Yearly Annual General Meeting بنياد كانادا و ايران از كليه اعضاى محترم دعوت به عمل مي اورد تا در جلسه ساليانه بنياد كه قرار است؛ گزارش مالى سال ٢٠١٧از يك سال فعاليت بنياد به اعضاي محترم ارائه شود و همچنين انتخاب عضو يا اعضاء و رأي گيرى براى هيئت مديره جديد در سال ٢٠١٨

Donate To Lynn Valley Apartment Fire Victims

ياران مهربان و هميشگى  بار ديگر جامعه عزيز شهرمان داغدار حادثه اى غم انگيز شده است . در حريق  Lynn Valley زندگى خانواده اى ويران شد! كودكى مادرش را از دست داد، بانويى براى هميشه همسرش را ترك كرد و چشمهاى عزيزان در اشك وداع به غم نشست. بنياد كانادا وايران يك بار ديگر از شما

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