International Woman’s Day   Canadian Iranian Foundation celebrates women's day with a group of highly accomplished and well recognized women in our community. This event is free and everyone is welcomed, however we appreciate your  donation which you can receive tax receipt for. This event is on line via Zoom application. Please contact CIF's voice mail

Nowruz festival   Canadian Iranian Foundation presents the 12th. annual Nowruz Festival on March 14th. 2021 from 7-9 in the evening. This is a free on line event on Zoom application. The event includes live and video performances by the present and passed artists. Please contact 604-800-1977 or or e:mail and leave your name, number

Father’s Day Canadian Iranian Foundation presents: Father's Day celebration on Zoom application with poetry, music and live performances of the local artists on June 18th 2021 from 7-9 in the evening. The event is free for all to attend. Donation's will be highly appreciated. Info:604-800-1977 or   Join here: بنیاد کانادا و ایران

Scholarship Interview

Students Scholarship Interview MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 AT 11 AM PDT – 2 PM PDT Join Zoom Meeting Info:604-800-1977  

Annual General Meeting

Canadian Iranian Foundation's Annual General Meeting on July 27th. 2021 at 8:00 PM. Canadian Iranian Foundation is inviting all their members to attend this event to receive the complete report of the CIF activities in the past year and elect Board of Directors. To obtain more information please contact 604-800-1977, Visit CIF's

Yalda celebration

  بنیاد کانادا و ایران حشن شب یلدا را با موسیقی اواز و شعر خوانی بصورت مجازی در تاریخ 17 دسامبر برگزار میکند.ورود برای همگان ازاد و از طریق زوم میباشد. برای کسب اطلاع با ما تماس حاصل فرمایید Zoom link:

17th year Anniversary Celebration جشن سالگرد بنیاد کانادا و ایران

سالروز هفدهمین سال تاسیس بنیاد کانادا و ایران هموطنان عزیز ژانویه 2022 17 سال از تاسیس بنیاد کانادا و ایران میگذرد. اهداف این سازمان خیریه نه تنها کمک و یاری به مهاجرینی است که تازه وارد کانادا میشوند بلکه دادن هدیه بورسیه تحصیلی به دانشجویان و حمایت از مسایل امور انسانی نیز میباشد. بنیاد کانادا

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